Economics for Business:

Economics for Business:
Prentice Hall
Ed.3 (2004)
digital print
Economics is an integral part of the curriculum for graduate and undergraduate business programmes. Most MBA courses contain several economics modules, as do professional courses in banking, insurance, actuarial science and information technology. Economics for Business has been written to provide a considered, com- prehensive, yet accessible introduction to economics to accompany such courses. Although there are many good introductory economics texts, I found that none quite matched the needs of the many MBA and ‘economics for business’ modules that I had taught over the previous 25 years. The standard economics text is over-inclusive in some respects – for example, in the treatment of con- sumer choice theory, but not comprehensive enough in others – for example, in explaining interest rates or the determinants of exchange rates, which are central issues in a business-oriented economics course. Also, some texts tend to talk down to the reader in a way that is especially alienating to course participants with years of work experience.
Prodi Magister Manajemen

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